Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Happy 4th of July, America!

July mural finished on July 5th, only one day late. I'm sure history will forgive me.

One Square Mile show

I created these two pieces for the 2nd April "One Square Mile" show. The purpose is to show that you can have an adventure within one square mile of your home. I've always thought of reading as going on a an adventure in your own mind.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Book 3 page 16

Book 3 page 16
And thats it! Book 3 is complete! Fun to work on and hopefully I'll be able to start on book 4 very soon. In the mean time, I'm looking at how to have this collected into book form.

Book 3 page 15

Book 3 page 15

Book 3 Page 14

Book 3 page 14

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Blues Fest mural

I painted this mural during Fridays Blues Fest. I'm planning on painting one every First Friday as long as I can.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Mort issue 3

Here is where it starts! Every week a new a page to the ongoing adventures of Mort and his friends from Ravilob.

Kermit and Friend

Acrylic on canvas currently hanging in the gallery 2nd April Annex.

Studio Mural

Mural I painted inside my studio.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Now I know I have a heart,,,

Hey everybody!
Just wanted to take a second to address the fact that yes I did have a heart attack. The good news however is that I'm fine and ready to get back into the creative side of life. This particular painting I finished on my I pad while still in the hospital. And Now it is a limited edition print only available at my studio in the Second April Annex during First Friday! Come on out and pick one up, only $5.00!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013